Este não é mais um sítio de religião, como tantos que por aì proliferam. Infelizmente, o mundo religioso está dominado pelo materialismo e pelos interesses de projecção pessoal e financeiro de muitos dos seus líderes. Deturpam a verdade com mentiras e usam a ignorância das pessoas que na sua boa fé neles acreditam, aproveitando-se dos seus bons sentimentos e, quantas vezes, também do seu dinheiro. Não sou devoto de nenhuma religião. Todas as religiões, ainda que possam ter alguns fundamentos de bondade, são conduzidas por homens e para homens, pelo que estão viciadas nos seus caminhos. Eu creio no Senhor Jesus Cristo. A minha "religião" é a Pessoa de Jesus Cristo. A palavra religião significa religar (re+ligare) e, de facto, apenas o Senhor Jesus Cristo re-ligou o que estava separado, isto é, o Homem com Deus (1 Timóteo 2:5,6). É por isso que a minha fé não se baseia nas tradições humanas ou em qualquer religião (seja ela católica, evangélica, ortodoxa ou outra), mas nas Palavras do Senhor Jesus Cristo, tais como se encontram exaradas na Bíblia Sagrada, a única regra de fé espiritual em que faço pautar toda a minha meditação e conduta de vida. (Luz para a Vida)

quarta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2014


Igreja Evangélica da Madalena
(Madalena's Evangelical Church)

Religious Association Number 592 014 070 – Established in 1957
Associate member of the Portuguese Evangelical Alliance Number S 00056
Founding member of the Portuguese Brethren Chuches Fellowship

Dear Brethren,

The Madalena Evangelical Church was founded in 1957 through the ministry of Viriato Dias Sobral with a total number of twelve members. However, it was only in 1985 that the Church was able to obtain its legal status.

This local Chuch has through the years  fulfilled its purpose of proclaiming the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, making disciples, baptizing them in the Name of the Fathar, the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to keep all things that the Lord has commanded. The Church is also concerned with the civic development of its members and of the people around.

This local Church has always gathered in a small rented space at Rua da Cabine, at the Madalena quartier of the city of Vila Nova de Gaia (Porto). For over 50 years, this space was sufficient for the development of the work, however, at this stage, this same place where the Chuch has its meetings is showing worrying and growing signs of degradation that justifies a deep intervention on its rehabilitation, but the owner is not prepared to do any works.
It was because of this situation that the assembly decided to move forward and apply for a building license, aiming at the construction of a new hall in a piece of land offered to the Church at Largo da Cabine, Madalena, also in the Vila Nova de Gaia region.

The Church has been saving money for this project over the last 30 years. The budget for this project is about 150.000,00 euros (One hundred and fifty thousand euros), and the building will be made up of 2 floors, with a main hall, 2 support rooms, a small cabinet and several support areas.
The amount so far collected by the brethren in the Church is sufficient for the preparation works in the terrain and the implementation of part of the building itself. The Chuch is permanently collecting money from its members by means of a monthly special collection for the purpose of completing the construction, however, due to the scarce resources of the believers that are part of this local assembly, we are asking for your financial help, so that we may be able to continue and complete this work. Every gift will be more than welcome and will certainly constitute a very useful help for us!

Please pray for this work as well.

You may follow closely the development of this work by visiting the Madalena Evangelical Church's blog:

For any money transfers, please use our account below:

Alvará de construção da nova Casa de Culto



Planta do R/C

Planta do 1º piso

Custo de Obra

       piso 1 - 700,00 € x 71,00 m2
………………………………………...………………...……………49.700,00 € 
       piso 0  - 700,00 € x 89,00 m2
………………………………………………………………..……....62.300,00 € 
       muro suporte em betão 25 cm (80-175) 140,00 € x 63,00 m3
….…………………………………………………………………..….8.820,00 € 
       desaterro 8,00 € x 3.000,00 m3
……………………………………………………………………..…24.000,00 € 
       arranjos exteriores 15,00 € x 73,00 m2 
………………………………………………………………….……..1.095,00 €
                     Valor Total 145.915,00 €

 No Amor do Senhor,
Os Irmãos da Madalena

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